Welcome Back

Dear parish family:

Saint Benedict’s will begin welcoming people back into the sanctuary, Chapel, and Hall THIS Saturday 10/24 at 6:00 PM and Sunday 10/25 at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 11:30 AM (a new service to accommodate our large 10:00 AM crowd). Please note the guidelines below, which our Parish Re-entry Committee and our Diocesan Re-entry Committee are requiring to be followed for all in-person worship during this Pandemic. Make sure you are able to comply with this list 100%, if you plan to attend church…

  • If you feel sick in any way or have any of the symptoms for COVID-19, please do not come to church.
  • All attendees will be placed on the register by the Usher at the door, who will also take temperatures of each person and ensure masks are worn properly by all. Emergency masks will be available.
  • Those who live in the same household will be permitted to sit together in the same pew; but 6ft or more social distancing from other attendees in alternate pews will be set apart and clearly marked. 
  • Hand sanitizers will be available in the Narthex, and in every entrance.
  • Facemasks must always be worn the entire time while in church – covering your nose and mouth.
  • There will be no physical sign of peace exchanged, at this time – except amongst family members.
  • The line for the reception of Holy Communion will follow appropriate distancing, as marked on the floor and will be done AT THE END of the service so that people will be able to return to their vehicles after receiving the sacrament quietly and with no physical interaction with others. Services will not run more than 45-50 minutes.
  • The Eucharist will be given in one kind (bread) in the hand only. We ask that you kindly keep your mask on as you receive Communion. Then step to the side, lift your mask, and consume the wafer before putting your mask back immediately after reception.
  • Those who prefer to remain in their cars and follow the service on their phones with Facebook Live, can do so and the clergy and other ministers will bring Holy Communion outside to the special marked area.
  • All services will also be available ONLINE.
  • Collection plates will be placed in the back of the church for your convenience – the plates will not be passed during Mass.
  • The Church building will be appropriately sanitized before and between Masses, as well as the restrooms. We have the professional foggers, sanitizing liquids, and all that is required. 
  • Use of the restrooms will be restricted to emergencies only. Ushers will ensure there is only one person in the restroom at any given time.
  • Be advised that you will not need to touch anything before, during and your entire time in the church. No Hymnals, No Prayer Books, and no Communion Rail will be used at this time. Doors will be wide open so that nobody ever needs to touch a doorknob.
  • Every safety precaution to keep everyone safe has been taken into account, and we have added a fourth service to be able to have appropriate social distancing for individuals and families. 
  • The Coffee Hour/Fellowship via Zoom at 11:30 AM will not continue, for the time being, due to our new 11:30 AM service.


Questions, concerns, and any other comment is welcome:


In God’s love,

Father Albert