Acolytes assist the clergy at the altar for Sunday and Holy Day services. Acolytes serve at the altar on a rotating basis when scheduled by the coordinator. Acolytes assist by lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying the cross in procession, serving the priest and deacon as they prepare the altar and celebrate the Eucharist. Membership requirements: Boys, girls, men, and women from ages 7 to adult may serve as acolytes. Before serving at the altar, acolytes must attend training sessions.

The Altar Guild takes care of the altar by preparing and cleaning vessels and linens needed for all Masses, weddings, funerals, and special services. The Altar Guild also decorates the altar for Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter. The Altar Guild is divided into four teams. Each team is responsible for a week at a time. During that week the team meets to do the cleaning. Each team decides on a time best suited for them.

The Offering Counters are responsible for counting the Sunday offering and depositing the collection in the bank. This group works with the Treasurer and the Bookkeeper to account for all moneys collected by the parish. Duties of group members: Members are scheduled on teams of four people. Each of the five teams is scheduled on a rotating basis.

The ushers provide the ministry of hospitality at all weekend and Holy Day services. Duties of group members: Welcome people as they arrive for church services. Attend to the needs of worshippers by providing them with bulletins, seating, and any other assistance that may be required to enable them to worship comfortably. Membership requirements: Anyone who enjoys the ministry of hospitality, male or female, who is a member in good standing of St. Benedict’s Church may serve as an usher

This group of adults assist at the celebration of the Eucharist by reading lessons (lectors and layreaders), providing for the reading of The Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer) (layreaders), and assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion (Chalicebearers). Members serve when scheduled by the coordinator. Membership requirements: Any adult who is a member in good standing of St. Benedict's Church and who has been trained by the coordinator may serve in the Altar Ministries. The Bishop, upon the recommendation of the Rector, must license Layreaders and Chalicebearers.

The Eucharistic Ministry exists to minister to those who, by reason of sickness or infirmity, cannot attend the regular worship of the Church. Duties of group members: LEVs visit the sick and shut-in, following a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, taking the Sacrament with them. Membership requirements: Those who feel called to the ministry of a Lay Eucharistic Visitor must: be a member in good standing, be recommended by the rector, attend the Diocesan training program, be commissioned by the Bishop and the Rector.